
Overcoming Addictions through Tearing Down Strongholds in our Minds

Addictions result from major emotional strongholds in our thought life. Overcoming addiction is possible. Learn about strongholds and how to pull them down in your life; a spiritual stronghold is similar to medieval fortress.
Healing addictions starts in the battlefield of the mind. Spiritual strongholds can be torn down that keep people stuck in patterns of addiction. Overcoming the thought patterns that lead to addiction is essential to healing addictions of all kinds: smoking, over eating, alcohol, drugs, sexual addictions and more. There is a connection between stress and addiction and disease and between negative emotions that the Bible calls sins. People who are stuck in a pattern of addiction often focus on the behavior and struggle to stop the unhealthy behavior but the truth is that the underlying negative emotions are the sin that is resulting in the manifestation of addictions. Overcoming addictions and healing addictions is possible as we look at the pathway of temptation into the sin that has us entangled in addictions. We must accept and acknowledge the link between negative sinful emotions and thoughts and addiction in order to get set free.

Major emotional patterns that lead to various addictions are all the result of negative thinking; this thinking comes from spiritual darkness and it is designed to separate us from God and the promises of the kingdom. Addictions are the result of major emotional strongholds. Overcoming addiction is possible as you learn about strongholds and how to pull them down in your life. A spiritual stronghold is similar to a medieval fortress. This fortress is created in our lives through unhealed wounds which are caused by traumatic events in our lives. These strongholds are built similarly to a castle; stone by stone and thoughts by thought. Over a period of time the thoughts become so common to us that we forget that they are there and we don’t recall ever thinking or believing differently.

Believing the lies of a stronghold can create a feeling of security but it keeps us in bondage or in prison on the inside while it prevents others from being able to help us from the outside. When you are dealing with overcoming a stronghold of addiction you cannot simply say no to the addiction. Strongholds are fortresses of thought patterns that give strength to addictions and other sinful life patterns such as depression, stress, and more. These thought patterns give the enemy access to our thought in order to harass or oppress us. A stronghold cannot be attacked successfully head on; instead it must be dismantled thought pattern by thought pattern. Healing addiction is possible as you dismantle the lies that allow that sin to have power in your life.

Strongholds are brought down as we take thoughts captive to the truth offered through Jesus Christ. We must cast down our own understanding and the thoughts that are protecting addiction in our lives. Breaking our agreement with our negative feelings and the enemy’s lies will set us free to agree with the Word of God. Confessing the truth of God and renouncing the lies of the enemy is similar to dismantling the stronghold block by block. Healing addictions and overcoming sinful patterns and negative thinking is possible as we accept the truth and renounce the lies. Break free from addiction by accepting the power over addiction that is available through faith in the Word of God.


Adolescence Drug Addiction

Adolescence is that phase of life when a person can be easily misled due to their credulous nature. Drug addiction shatters the dreams of such individuals and also has its effect on the near and dear ones. Adolescence is that aspect when we tend to soar high in the sky of success and never look back. The addiction to drugs shreds the wing of success making the abuser a puppet in the hands of drug substances. Since this is an impressionable age the process of weaning away from the drug substance is a tedious job for the relatives.

Stages of drug addiction
Since the progress of the addiction is variable depending on the signs and symptoms the drug addicts can be categorized into the early, middle or late stage. During the initial phase of addiction the addicts experiment with the drugs due to peer pressure and cultivate the habit of smoking, drinking etc. Inattentiveness, lying, stealing or demanding money, late night stays at friends place, poor performance at studying institutes are few of the beginning signs of addiction. Also they may come with symptoms of lack of sleep and appetite at the physical level.

As the addiction progresses the dependence on the drug makes them to avoid company and family members, blame others without any reason and lose control. Their do not maintain physical appearance and are unkempt and shabbily dressed. Any change from the normal attitude is the first indicator of addiction.

In the last stage of addiction there is no need to seek telltale signs as the addiction is evident in the behavior. Getting expelled from school, committing crime, mood swings and paranoia are the extreme signs which the addicts suffer from.

Initially drug addicts always hide from the relatives the fact that they are into addiction. They think the addiction can be left at any point of time. But they are proven wrong in the long run. It is better to learn from the sufferings of drug abusers and be alert in choosing company in the school and college.

In the current era many drugs are available to remove the toxicity of the drug substance and rehabilitation centre are reachable to de addict the abuser, but this is not enough for the completion of the course of treatment. What helps as a healing remedy is the psychological support given by family members. The awareness about the consequences of addiction should be created to keep the adolescence at bay from this evil habit.


Addictions Are Obstacles To The Best Things In Life

Do you think it is possible to lose your job over cigarettes? The answer is strangely obvious, of course you can. Any addiction carries this risk. Addictions are obstacles to the best things in life, and success in your career is no exception.

Now if you believe this sounds extreme, then think again. The price you pay at work for your cigarette addiction may be more subtle and unfold over a longer time, than say an addiction to hard drugs or to alcohol, but it can happen. Well let us be more a little more blunt here. It does happen.

The reason why cigarettes can hamper your career is myriad. The main reason has to do with those ever changing statistics in the workplace. In the world of modern business, cigarettes separate you from the mainstream. The reason is that most workers do not smoke. Therefore most people do not like you at work, because you smoke. You are a minority, and a somewhat reviled one. That translates into every day tensions that you may or may not be aware of.

For instance, whether they articulate this or not, bosses do not much like the fact that you spend lots of time in the parking lot or on the sidewalk outside the building feeding your habit. They prefer that your priority be your job.

They do not much care for the habit if you practice it in your office either. They don't like the smoke, they don't like the smell, they don't much like the diminished performance that comes over time with a smoker; they don't like the consequences, the health issues, the absenteeism, The list on the side of the column which labels you 'baggage' instead of 'asset' grows exponentially as times ticks on.

Finally, one small point; you smell when you smoke, right? Your boss does not want to sit next to you for the next 20 years. That is a given.

Arguing these points in the workplace seems both pointless and self-destructive. While you have rights, the world of business operates on the laws of the jungle. It is not always fair, and you must know that when you are a constant smoker. If you insist on kicking up some dust, standing up for your liberty, and screaming, "I have to smoke, okay! Get off my back!" then go ahead, knock yourself out, as they say. But when you look at it this way, you will begin to sense how fruitless that strategy is. It is doubtful that this is the way to rise to the top of the ladder.

Also consider the stress factor. If you are aware of these tensions and you continue to try and walk the tightrope which allows to smoke and to work then you do yourself no good. You will not rise to the top this way. More likely, you will quit, placing yourself in the margins when you might belong in the mainstream.

The easier solution might be to consider quitting...


New “Elixir” Claims Success in Treating Cocaine Addiction

NIDA Director Dr. Nora Volkaw said, “The results of this study represent a promising step toward an effective medical treatment for cocaine addiction.”

Many experienced drug rehab professionals are not so enthused about the prospect of a new wonder drug that will treat cocaine addiction with any success. “It is just history repeating itself in regard to drug addiction,” said Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor for the Narconon Arrowhead residential drug rehabilitation program, Rebecca Pool, C.A.D.C.. “In the 1800’s heroin was invented and promoted to treat morphine and opium addiction. Morphine addicts became heroin addicts. Methadone, developed by the Nazi’s during World War II, was promoted as a cure to treat heroin addiction in the early 1970’s. Subsequently heroin addicts became methadone addicts. Then came suboxone to treat methadone addiction leading to methadone users getting hooked on suboxone and so the story goes. Developing new drugs to treat drug addiction has not worked, history tells us that.”

It is well known that a large portion of the addiction treatment industry has settled on substitute medications as a means to prevent addicts from falling back into their unhealthy lifestyle. According to Narconon’s Pool, “The problem with this approach is that it does not help the individual discover and deal with the initial problems that lead them in the direction of drug addiction in the first place. Here at Narconon we have found that the solution to solving addiction is to help the person rehabilitate themselves as opposed to ‘treating’the symptoms of drug addiction for an indefinite and ongoing period of time.”

The Narconon Arrowhead rehabilitation program uses a thorough detoxification program followed by counseling and life skills training to bring about recovery from addiction. One drug is not replaced by another so when a person completes the program they are completely drug-free. The length of the program varies from person to person but on average takes three to five months. Seventy percent of Narconon program graduates go on to live drug-free lives.

If someone you know is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and you want to help them achieve lasting recovery, call Narconon Arrowhead today. Call Narconon at 1-800-468-6933 for free addiction counseling, referral and free assessment of visit us at our website www.stopaddiction.com


How Can Addiction Treatment Centers Help?

Choosing from the Many Addiction Treatment Centers

It is a well-known fact that not only the mental part of the addiction needs to be taken care of but the physical part does as well.

If you have to decide whether or not to enroll in an addiction treatment center, it is one of the hardest decisions you will ever have to make. There are many places to find an addiction treatment center and it can be as simple as turning on the television. There are ads, radio advertisements, websites, and even the local phone book has some full page ads for these companies that all claim to be the best. No wonder the decision is so difficult to make.

While each center tells you they are the best, how do you know where to go? If you're looking for an addiction treatment center for yourself or a loved one, there is some information to keep in mind. First of all the most important thing to keep in mind is that the long term addiction treatment centers are the ones that show the highest rate of success.

Your addiction or your loved one's addiction deserves the best care because this is an addiction that can not only ruin your relationships, it can kill you if you let it go too far. Your family will suffer and so will all of your friends and co-workers if you don't get the help you need. It was never said that it will be easy, but it is possible and you will be glad you did it.

The first step to recovering is knowing that you have a problem and you are willing to find help. The next step is actually getting into a center that can help you deal with your addiction. While the first two steps were tough, there is one more step that may be the toughest on your physical body and that is getting detoxified. It will be tough but once you make t through you will finally be rid of that physical addiction that kept you going back for more drugs or alcohol even when you didn't want them. Now the rest is all mental and trying to learn once again how to care for yourself in the mental capacity.

Addiction treatment centers are there to provide people with addiction with all of the tools that they need to succeed in their recovery. You will learn how to take better care of yourself physically as well as mentally and with some hard work you will be successful.

Addiction Treatment Centers


Treatment For Alcohol Addiction In 10 Painless Steps And Free Stop Drinking Guide

Most Addictions in general tend to be really difficult to beat, as your thoughts and body will continue craving for whatever you are depriving it of, until you eventually do get a dose of it. If you happen to be an alcohol addict, or have turn out to be addicted to alcohol with out really having noticed it, but you most definitely do wish to put a an end to it, then here are 10 fantastic tips for tried and tested treatment for alcohol addiction.

1.) Prior to even starting, you should make that choice that you truly do wish to say goodbye for your dependancy. Success in overcoming an dependancy only depends on your own personal actions, so should you truly are determined sufficient to make a real begin, then you require to !..

2.) Look for the support of a friend or family member who will be prepared to have a tendency for your needs and listen to your issues although you're overcoming your addiction. Help groups will assist you to stick for your goals and succeed using the treatment of your addiction to alcohol.

3.) Create changes to your daily routine and way of life habits. 1 of the initial steps which will assist produce the perfect start in the fight against addiction will be by making drastic modifications for your alcohol orientated way of life. You will most definitely need to avoid any social function that provides alcohol as a refreshment.

4.) Avoid anything that would remind you of drinking alcoholic beverages. Should you smoke, you should also try and quit smoking, which could extremely properly lead you back to the temptation of drinking alcohol again.

5.) You'll need to avoid all of those people that influence you with alcohol consumption. Stop hanging out with friends who also abuse alcohol, and this way you will be able to finally forget about alcohol.

6.) Discover methods to manage your every day stress levels. Steer clear of tension like the plague as well as any other problem in your existence that is often an additional factor to push people towards alcohol in the first place, so learn new techniques to overcome stress and other issues in your life. Exercise, meditation or just going for a quiet vacation would most certainly be an excellent way to relax.

7.) Look for help from a hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy is a great supplementary therapy for any addiction to alcohol. You are able to even get a self-hypnosis DVD to assist you to perform hypnosis on your own and keep your mind clear of the many tempting thoughts focusing on alcohol consumption.

8.) Try cognitive behavioral treatment with the assist of a professional therapist. 1 with the efficient methods to overcome either alcoholism, common phobias, fears and anxieties, and such addictions is qualified cognitive behavioral treatment. This will assist you to come to terms with your addiction, and will also assist you to eliminate it as fast as it came into your life, and also the therapy will also assist you to discover useful problem coping skills to face life's challenges without resorting back to alcohol.

9.) Carrying out relaxation methods. One of the easiest ways to begin making some changes in your life is to find relaxation techniques to assist you to cope with the difficulties of existence and assist you to get rid of any anxiety pains.

10.) Find new issues to help you deal with the void left inside your existence. Take on a new sport or interest. Divert your attention to doing productive things that can be enjoyed throughout your leisure time. A brand new sport, a brand new hobby or even new pals can be the perfect start to making a change for the better.

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