
Is Alcoholism A Drug Dependence?

Several concepts have seen a transformation in past two centuries and one of them is change in moral and cultural values of societies. Use of Alcohol was formerly seen as a status symbol, but with time, it turned into a form of addiction for many. Reasons and factors did vary from regions and different cultures.
Regrettably, it took more time to comprehend that alcoholism is a drug addiction. "Because we have been led to believe that drug addiction or alcohol addiction is a disease.
We have been told that the only way to "restore" is to attend treatment and endless AA, NA meetings for the rest of our lives. " Any drug addiction as well as alcohol addiction is not a disease rather a choice.
One does not has to be a passive bystander to an illusory disease of drug addiction or alcohol addiction; one should give up his willpower; be marked as an alcoholic or "in recovery"; or turn up meetings and treatment for the rest of his/her life! Those that are struggling with alcohol addiction or any other drug addiction reach to a conclusion that generally the typical thinking is not working in their favour.
There are quite a lot of factors why these programs are not happening in a successful manner yet analysts say the main reason is still to be determined. Existing projects and plans are not working because they are based on false theories of human nature and its related philosophy. Neither have they openly addressed the issues and emotions of addictions that tempt an individual.
A lot of people and organisations in cultures like ours that are trying real hard to prove that Alcoholism is NOT seen as a disease, the result of biological, or genetic predisposition. These societies and individuals have a firm personal and social interest in a complete non-physiological model of addictive human behaviour.
Their slant of social problems is based vitally on a philosophical accommodation with a social perception, heralding socio-political correctness as its aim. Although, the fact remains that a large number of people who have had problems with alcoholism or drug addiction in the past renounced all by their selves.
All those at the moment struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction will tell that they have sometimes desist from alcohol or drug use for a period of time. As mentioned before, it is not any mysterious disease, but only a matter of choice. One can be in complete control! No one is stopping you from using that beer, or sniffing powder. If a person wants to consume alcohol or any other drugs, he/she will. Alcohol or drug addicts always find a way. One might be surprised why the substitute to using alcohol or drugs is so difficult to know. One may have to pick up a beer whenever he/she fancy.
However, if someone wants to put back that beer down, all in a while then there are certainly some diseases, meetings, character defects, treatment sessions, counselling etc., to contend with! A large number of people that have had an alcohol addiction or drug addiction issues have renounced on their own: without any of all the drama and struggle...
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1 commentaire:

  1. Addiction is devastating but it doesn't have to be. Drug rehabilitation centers and sober living homes will help addicts with living sober again.
